About Us
Saanich Peninsula Restorative Justice (SPRJ) has been a non profit organization under the umbrella of Beacon Community Services since 1999 to provide a restorative process as an alternative to the court system when dealing with harm done in the community.
As members we believe that a restorative process provides a better outcome for the person affected (victim), the person responsible (offender), and the community.
Fast facts about SPRJ:
- We service the communities of Sidney, North Saanich and Central Saanich with funding and support from local and provincial governments
- We are all volunteers from the community
- We work closely with the local police, RCMP, schools and other community organizations
- Conference facilitators have extensive training
- Members must sign an oath of confidentiality and undergo a criminal record check
- We hold general meetings throughout the year and all interested community members are welcome